How can I cancel my order?
Our customers can cancel the order through the phone number shown to us or through the customer service staff, within a maximum period of 14 days from the request.
What are the conditions for return?
You must send the invoice with the product on your returns.
• The customer is obligated to return the product as it was delivered to him, and to compensate for the loss of the commercial value of the product due to use.
After your product arrives at us, it will be checked by the relevant departments and approval will be given to return it. This process takes an average of 2 to 5 working days after receiving it.
• You must send us the original packaging of the product (s) that is undamaged and also unused and undamaged due to misuse.
• If you do not charge shipping fees for the first time for the purchase, and if you want to return the order, you will be charged for the shipping fees that appear by the shipping companies dealing with them.
How do I get paid for a product I returned?
• Within a maximum period of 7 days, your money will be sent after the shipping discount matters to you, either through a bank account or a bank transfer in addition to the transfer fees.
What should I do if the product I received is defective?
• We apply a quality policy for all of our products, and in some cases there are defects by the manufacturer. If you encounter this problem, the site will review the request for product retrieval or refunds according to the concluded agreement.