Yes, there are additional fees for shipping to countries in Europe, and each country has its own shipping price.
All shipping of our products is always fast, and the shipping period stops from one working day Up to a maximum of 7 days for European countries, and Arab countries, from 3 working days to a maximum of 10 days.
The customer is contacted to determine and confirm his request, where the customer service team of our company takes care of all the details so that the product is sent to the customer in the correct manner, as the order is prepared and sent through the shipping companies, and then a notice is sent to the customer via his phone or email, attached With the shipment number and invoice
Yes, an attached invoice is sent inside the shipping box and also it is sent via the email registered in the customer’s account.
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After completing the order from purchasing from the cart, the system withdraws the required amount from the money withdrawal system through the site
This is a list designed for all customers in order to save the products that the customer may want to return and buy the product as this list saves all that was chosen by the customer, but this does not explain the purchase process for the customer, but to save the desired products for the customer and help to return to it at any time
In this case, contact us immediately via social communication or the numbers shown below or via e-mail to communicate with the sales team to return the request and clarify what must be done, in this case the customer will be compensated with others immediately
You can terminate the order or cancel according to our return policy on the site, and we have terms and conditions for return within the user’s controls
After the purchase and packaging of the parcel, the customer will be sent a number to the customer, which is a tracking number for the shipment through shipping companies, and it is a number for the customer’s shipment